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All Season Chamomile Chai

Chai is a traditional Indian spiced tea that warms the body and assists digestion. Most chai recipes call for some black tea, but this is made with chamomile instead, which makes this tea caffeine-free.

This is delicious served hot before bed on a chilly night, during stressful times when you need a hug or blended with ice cubes and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Vanilla soy milk or honey and cream may also be added.


About the Product Size

Each 4 oz bag comes with 6 organic self-fill tea bags so you can have it as strong or not, as you like.  Each bag makes 32 8 oz cups with .2 ounces of tea blend per cup.



Ginger Root, Chamomile flowers, roasted coriander seeds, cinnamon chips, cardamom pods, allspice berries, and good vibes and intention.


Why It’s Good for You

Allspice: Contains 4% volatile oil, plus proteins, lipids, minerals, and vitamins A, B, and C. Stimulates digestion, relieves flatulence, eases upset stomach and has antiseptic properties.


Cardamom: Is the 3rd most expensive spice and one of the most ancient, called the “Queen of Spices”. Legend has it that to carry or consume this spice is to draw love and passion into your life. It stimulates digestion, eases bowel spasms and improves the taste of bitter formulas when combined with ginger and orange.


Chamomile, Roman: Known as the emblem of sweetness and humility. Ancient Egyptians believed that it prevented aging and in the Middle Ages it was used as a strewing herb for its disinfecting properties. To carry a sprig of this herb is said to attract money or love. Soothes digestive problems, Eases the symptoms of cold and flu, Offers moderate sedation and calming effects, Soothes irritated and sunburned skin.


Cinnamon: This is one of the oldest herbal medicines and the 1st spice sought in 15th & 16th-century explorations. Ancient Hebrews and Arabs used it as a perfume spice, placing a value equal to gold and frankincense. Relieves nausea and strengthens weak digestion, Eases cold and flu symptoms, stimulates circulation, offers anti-septic along with anti0bacterial and anti-fungal actions, provides anti-viral properties, stimulates the uterus and encourages menstrual bleeding.


Coriander: The seeds have documented use for more than 3000 years and were found in tombs of ancient Egyptians. Legend has it that a pregnant woman eating coriander ensures her futures child’s inventiveness. Aids in the secretion of gastric juices which promotes digestion and stimulates appetite, improves the flavor of other medicinal teas, aphrodisiac effects.


Ginger: One of the most versatile herbal stimulants, we have cultivated this herb for more than 3000 years. In the Middle Ages, medicinal ginger beers were thought to thwart plague. Ginger has been studied and proven to be as effective as Dramamine without the drowsy effect. Relieves the onset symptoms of cold and flu, Helps with nausea, cramps, and vomiting, Increases circulation and warms and increases vital energy, Cleanses the colon and fights colitis and diverticulitis. Eases the symptoms of a hangover and general debility.

All Season Chamomile Chai Tea

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