The many definitions of Aromatherapy:
Translated, aromatherapy means the use of aromatic plant material for their healing properties.
Aromatherapy is the art and science of the use of natural, aromatic, plant essential oils to support or regain wellbeing and vitality of body, mind, and spirit. It seeks to unify one’s physiological, psychological, and spiritual states to enhance an individual’s innate healing process.
Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing forms of integrative medicine in the world. It is now known that inhalation of essential oils influences brain waves and can alter behavior, bring about relaxation and mood elevation, while also providing antimicrobial or antioxidant agents with pharmacological effects on the body.
Clinical Developed in the USA, UK and Australia, the emphasis is on tailoring the treatment to address physical, psychological, and emotional concerns. A detailed consultation that addresses well-being, medical and social concerns, the selection and blending of essential oils to meet the needs of the individual, the supplication of any massage techniques and the preparation of products for at home use, are central to clinical aromatherapy practice. Clinical AT’s do not make claims to treat disorders, as this is against our code of conduct. However, they will often offer therapeutic interventions to ill and compromised clients in conjunction with medical support and/or consent. Many Clinical AT’s are self-employed and often will undertake added education and specialize in, aroma-dermatology, cancer care, care for the elderly, dementia and palliative care, sports injury, mental health, fertility, pregnancy, and maternity care as examples.
What are Essential Oils?
“Essential oils are aromatic plant extracts created by steam distillation of plant material from a single botanical source; nothing is involved in this process except for water, heat, and the plant material. The essential oil is separated from the condensed steam, and nothing is added, and nothing is taken away. That said, we are now including expressed oils that are achieved by simple pressing (expression) of the citrus peel, without heat or the use of solvents. Nothing is added and nothing is taken away.”
The special cells and glands that hold the essential oil are found in various parts of different plants. For example, essential oils can be found in the flowers of ylang ylang, chamomile and lavender, in the wood of cedarwood, in the fresh rind of orange and lemon and the leaves of tea tree and peppermint. Essential oils may be found in virtually any part of the plant: seeds, flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, roots, bark, wood, needles, and resins.
These essences are created in special cells of the plants to protect and preserve their health and to serve as an attractant for pollinators for perpetuation of the species. Essential oils are highly concentrated chemical compounds. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED is the key piece here.
To give you an idea of this: it takes between:
150-250 pounds of Lavender flowers and top leaves to make one pound of oil
20 pounds of lemon peels to make 1 drop of oil
approximately 12,000 pounds (about 5443.1 kg) of delicate rose petals to make one pound of oil
approximately 1,000 pounds or 3 million jasmine flowers to make a pound of oil
Around 250 pounds of peppermint leaves to make one pound of oil
One drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to drinking 26-28 cups of peppermint tea
Would you be willing to sit down and eat 20 pounds of lemon peels…what would that do to you? Are you willing to drink 26-28 cups of peppermint tea in one day? There are oils that are antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, mentally stimulating, emotionally calming, deodorizing and bug repelling. Some offer sun protection, hydrate our skin, promote healing, and even aid us in attracting a potential mate.
There are also Absolutes. These are aromatic liquids extracted from the plant material using solvents such as hexane, butane, etc. which is followed by a liquid alcohol extraction. It is a complex process, yielding a liquid substance called an absolute. Many fragile flower oils such as Rose or Jasmine are always absolutes and should be called Absolutes.
Hydrosols are sometimes referred to as hydrolats, distillate waters or floral waters. Explained as simply as possible, a hydrosol is the aromatic water that stays after steam-distilling or hydro-distilling botanical material such as lavender. Unlike essential oils that should be diluted prior to application to the skin, hydrosols are much gentler than their essential oil counterparts and can be used directly on the skin without further dilution. Hydrosols can be used in place of water in creating natural fragrances, lotions, creams, facial toners and other skin care products. They can also be added to the bath and used on their own as light cologne or body spray.
CO2 Extracts are produced by using the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction method. In general, most CO2 extracts are richer and more intense due to more aromatic compounds being present. CO2’S are used in Aromatic medicine as they are safer in this form.
How to use your Essential Oils:
Method of use varies from simple inhalation to application on the skin.
Dilute, dilute, dilute – almost all oils should be diluted prior to skin application. A few exceptions to this rule are Lavender applied to burns or bug bites, Tea tree applied to bites, scrapes, cuts, etc. Fragonia for sore throat or laryngitis.
However, if you are going to rub an area about the size of your hand or larger, due to the concentration of the oils they should be diluted. Due to the small molecular size of the essential oil constituents, most of them can penetrate the skin and enter the blood stream and the lymphatic system. That can be good in some situations, however, too much can cause harm, especially over time.
The general rule is to dilute essential oil to somewhere between 1.5% to 2.5%. That is 9 -15 drops in 1 ounce (about 29.57 ml) of carrier oil. These amounts decrease substantially when working with a child or frail person. When using essential oils of the face or scalp, the amount of essential oil will decrease to 0.5% (3 drops to 1 ounce (about 29.57 ml) carrier) to 1% (6 drops to 1 ounce (about 29.57 ml) carrier).
Also, be aware there are some very dermally irritating oils.
Examples and maximum amount of essential oil:
Basil Holy and Sweet 0.5% (3 drops)
Bay West Indies 1% (6 drops)
Cinnamon Bark .1% (3 drop in 2 ounces) – short term use
Cinnamon Cassia inhalation only
Cinnamon leaf .5% (3 drops) – short term use
Clove bud .5% (3 drops) - short term use
Cumin 1% (6 drops)
Gurjum balsam 1% (6 drops)
Oregano 1% (6 drops)
Sage Dalmatia 1% (6 drops)
Thyme Red 0.5% (3 drops)
Particular cases: we do not sell Wintergreen to the general public. It is a major anticoagulant and should not be used with anyone taking anticoagulant medications including a regular regimen of aspirin. PLUS: this oil smells like candy and needs to be kept out of the reach of children. Ingestion of this oil can and has killed children.
Many of the citrus oils can make the skin more sensitive to the sun’s UV rays and can lead to blistering, discoloration of the skin and/or burning. Some of these can lead to photo toxicity and possibly skin cancer.
Skin Sensitization:
Unlike skin irritation where symptoms are immediate, skin sensitization develops over time, taking weeks if not years to occur.
Just because you do not have any adverse reaction now, does not mean you will not have one in the future. If you really love essential oils, you should use them with caution by diluting them appropriately so that you can continue to use them.
Factors that Increase the Risk of Sensitization
Applying oils neat, or at high concentrations
Frequent use over lengthy periods of time
Using contaminated oils
Using oxidized, degraded or otherwise expired oils
Use of oils that are known sensitizers
Methods of Use:
Sprays – 3.5 oz (about 99.22 g). distilled water, .5 oz (about 14.17 g). witch hazel, and 24+
drops essential oil
Steam – 1-3 drops of essential oil in hot water, fan steam
towards you or cover head and water container –
breathe deeply until oils can no longer be smelled
Diffusion – follow manufacturer’s guidelines (cold air diffusion
is best)
Nebulizing – machine that creates a mist of water and
essential oil blown into the air
Evaporation – apply 2-8 drops to a porous surface (terra cotta
clay is great), allow to evaporate
Massage Oil – approximately 5-15 drops essential oil to 1oz (about 28.35 g)
carrier oil with lower concentration for children,
frail/elderly people
Bathing – Place 6-8 drops of your essential oil/s into ½ cup – 1 cup of
bath salts, add 1-2 teaspoons of castile soap. Fill tub up
with warm water, once water is off stirring salt mixture into
bath and relax.
Compress – 4-6 drops essential oil in bowl of hot water, skim
surface with cloth, wring out and apply to area, cover with towel or blanket to keep warm
(Heating pad may also be used, allow to sit for 15-
20 minutes or until cool. Cold compresses can be
used for treatment of sprains, strains and
Storing your Essential Oils:
Essential oils must be stored in dark, airtight, glass bottles. Exposure to light, oxygen, and heat will begin to break the oils down and they can become skin irritating. If oils are stored appropriately, they may last 7-10 years, although the optimum time varies. Some oil’s aromas improve with age, with the exception being the citrus oils – they should only be kept for one to two years. All oils need to be kept cold. The ideal temperature is 65°F, although between 45°-65° is adequate.
Ingesting Essential Oils….
It is not recommended to ingest essential oils in any form unless you are under the care of an Aromatic Medicine Practitioner who has been trained in the internal use of essential oils. {This goes for ANY brand!} Any time you choose to ingest essential oils there are side effects to consider. There is a chance of burning your esophagus and damaging or putting undue stress on your liver and kidneys and other internal organs.
Essential oils do offer potent results when used internally, but in the right application for specific situations. Anal suppositories are more effective than oral ingestion to deliver essential oils into the body. Suppositories allow the oil to bypass the breakdown processes of the liver, otherwise known as your stage one metabolism.
Perhaps you are thinking, “but my favorite essential oils have a nutrition facts label, so I know they are safe to ingest.”
A Nutrition Facts section on an essential oil does not mean it is necessarily top quality. It is marketing designed to lead consumers into the following – and false – line of logic: “This company is telling me their oil is pure enough to eat, so that must make it purer than oils without a Nutrition Facts label.”
Research Techniques & Important Information:
You want to see the following on the label of the bottle itself:
1) Common Name
2) Latin Name
3) Contact information for the company (can be their website)
4) For external use only
5) Country of Origin
The term “Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils” is a potentially misleading claim. There is no governmental agency or generally accepted organization that "grades" or "certifies" essential oils as "therapeutic grade," "medicinal grade," or "aromatherapy grade" in the U.S. There is no formally approved grading standard used consistently throughout the essential oil industry. Initially, ‘therapeutic grade” meant that an essential oil was distilled to contain the correct chemical constituents to produce the therapeutic effect of a specific essential oil. What, exactly, does "therapeutic grade" mean? It means nothing, in fact it is simply a term tossed around to impress. Young Living Essential oils trademarked the term “Therapeutic Grade.” Therefore, the use of this term is a violation of a trademark.
Easing Stress with Essential Oils
Stress leads to inflammation; inflammation leads to system failure. It is that simple.
We all have stresses, good and bad. When the stress of the day interferes with your wellbeing, we need to intervene. There are many kinds of stressors and many ways to help cope
Is important as some stress may be caused by ill health. It takes a lot of energy for your body to process toxins, keep them to a minimum. Drink plenty of good quality water and eat as organically as possible. Try to stay away from refined sugar, flour, and white rice. Pick your cooking oils carefully, plenty of olive, grape seed, (caution, this oil goes rancid quickly), coconut oil, (not the fractionated that we use as a carrier oil in topical applications of aromatherapy). A good organic butter, never use margarine, or processed foods. A good rule of thumb here is, if it does not good bad, do not eat it. Just eat it before it spoils. Some of our processed food has a shelf life of years... Think about that. Give your body the freshest food available.
We are what we eat
Exercise ...We want to keep the body’s metabolism high. This will help with the ability to think rationally, sleep better, burn calories, and keep muscle definition. It does not mean going to a gym every day.... We can make everyday choices, like taking the stairs, parking a little farther away and walking. Be sure to go out several times a day for fresh air. Take this opportunity to stretch and breathe deeply, this is another wonderful time to inhale your blend. Sometimes we get caught up in the strings of making a living and forget to live.
Faith .... We have a wonderful creator who knows the complexity of the human brain and the importance of trust in a higher glory. We are not in this cosmic stew alone, and it is important to connect, trust, learn, lean on, and let this nourishment feed us. We are not solo beings, but a part of a network of your choosing. But rest assured, you are a part of something...make it a good connection. We are genuinely loved. And NEVER underestimate the power of prayer. We are not alone.
Smile....a lot. It is a proven fact that smiles are contagious, that they lift the heart and make a challenging situation a little more bearable. Smiles give way to a happier heart which melts stress.
Buy flowers... They have their own special scent and are impossible to look at without your heart smiling - unless you are a florist in the holiday time. They do not have to be expensive; in fact, some of the lesser priced flowers last longer. Think daisies- mums, carnations, Alstroemeria.
Massage.... Body work is especially important as it moves lymph fluid, releases tight muscles, enhances immunity, improves circulation pumping oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs. It also releases endorphins-amino acids that work as a natural painkiller.
Yoga, Tai-Chi, ....
Knowing that we are not what we do for a living. We have a body and a life that deserves to be nurtured and well taken care of.
Make lists and set goals.
Clearing the mind. When life becomes incredibly stressful, it is all too easy to feel overwhelmed by the many different events happening around you. Confusion, indecision, and frustration can be debilitating. Meditation also is immensely helpful in creating some inner mental space. Work on letting go of racing, confused thoughts and look for and ask for peace and tranquility. Essential oils are a wonderful tool for this. Prioritize your thoughts and concerns, tackle one at a time. This will help in getting important matters carried out and will help let go of problems you have no control over.
Look for JOY… it is all around us, yet sometimes we lose sight of it. Keep a journal/ picture book of the things that bring you joy and keep it simple. Let the picture or sayings make your mind smile. Make it your job to keep your heart light. Add little one liners…
“When you leave a trail of kindness, happiness will always know where to find you” ….
“The first rule of travel is that you can’t travel without leaving where you are” ….
” Life is not a labyrinth, it is not our job to get ourselves out of it, but to keep wandering in it as long as possible.” …..
Grief: it is important NOT to use a single essential oil for grief. Always use a blend. You do not want to work through a difficult passage in life only to be reminded by a random whiff of a familiar scent.
Now let us take a sniff at some of the Aromatics that help ease stress and aide the body back into balance:
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) - the most used essential oil in the world, is known as a sedative - calming of the mind, comforting emotional feelings, alleviating fears, and uplifting the spirits. It is outstanding in treating insomnia due to stress and anxiety. It also is powerful in calming cramps, spasms, and a wide array of body pains. It is a wide-ranging antibiotic and an excellent anti-inflammatory. For general use Bergamot FCF (Citrus bergamia) - this beautiful, gentle citrus acts as a sedative and is quite emotionally uplifting. Ideal for working with people who are tense, anxious and/or depressed. For depression brought on by anxiety Cedarwood Atlas (Cedrus atlantica) - this sweet, gentle woody smelling oil is powerful in the treatment of stress, anxiety, tension. This oil is delightfully/gently grounding and encourages stick-to-it-ness and strength. For stress brought on by lack of direction or focus Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) - offers a woody-piney scent that aids in turning off mental chatter, lifting depression, silencing nightmares, supporting the making of decisions and relieving grief. For negative self-talk, low mood, sleep challenges due to dreams/nightmares, indecision, and grief Geranium Bourbon/Reunion (Pelargonium graveolens) - this floral/rosy smelling oil has a powerful regulating effect on the nervous system and is especially effective in addressing long-term stress. It is also known as a powerful hormone regulator ideal for both men and women and especially useful when treating PMS and menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, confusion, etc.). For long term or extreme stress, anxiety, depression, and nervous related headaches Marjoram, sweet (Origanum marjorana) - this warm/spicy/woody smelling oil strengthens and relaxes nerves, ideal for exhaustion alternating with nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia. Can have a stupefying effect - not to be used when driving or doing anything requiring close attention - great to use to promote sleep. It is useful when feeling lonely or suffering grief. Can be useful when dealing with both mental and physical pain. For exhaustion, insomnia, grief often associated with physical as well as mental pain - for short term use only Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini) - this gentle/sweet/floral-rosy smelling oil is calming, uplifting, stress, and restlessness relieving. This oil gently lifts mood while hushing anxiety. This is especially good for people who are experiencing overload of work and/or obligations. For stress, anxiety, restlessness, and overload Patchouli (Cymbopogon patchouli) – this rich/earthy/sweet/herby/woody oil is renowned for its ability to ease depression, anxiety, stress, and anger. It is very grounding and well suited for people who are mentally active, tense and out of touch with their bodies. Its smell is often associated with the hippie era as the make love not war oil. For stress related to depression, anxiety, feelings of dissociation from the body and when the world has become overwhelming or heavy
Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) - this beautiful/refreshing/sweet/woody/slightly rosy oil is uplifting, enlivening, balancing. It lowers stress, eases depression and is ideal for people feeling overburdened by life. It is often used in meditation and spiritual healing. For stress, anxiety, depression especially when associated with feelings of over-load and detachment of spirit.
Primary methods of application: *I*=inhalation *B*=bath *M*=massage
Anise seed, Pimpinella anisum - vertigo, migraine, invigorates tired mind, sweet dreams, stupefier (strong dose) *I*
Bay-Pimenta racemosa - depression, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, tension, stress, warming *I*
Bergamot-Citrus bergamia - uplifts, balances, refreshes, sedates, anxiety, depression, stress related disorders, cools anger, decreases SNS *I, B, M*
Cajeput-Melaleuca cajuputii - neuralgia, stimulant, clears mind *I, M*
Cardamon-Elletaria cardamomum - mental fatigue, nervous strain, warming uplifting, refreshing, invigorating *I, B, M*
Carrot seed-Daucus carota - anxiety, stress, exhaustion *B, M*
Cedarwood, Atlas- Cedrus atlantica - regulates nervous system, sedative, nervous tension, fear, anger, lowers anxiety *I, B, M*
Chamomile, Roman-Chamaemelum nobile - hypnotic, relaxant, sedative, soothing,
analgesic, eases anxiety/worries, neuralgia, neuritis, nervous system shock, tension, anger, fear *I, B, M*
Clary sage-Salvia sclarea - depression, migraine, nervous tension, fatigue, stress, mildly intoxicating/euphoric, mid-life crisis, aids dreaming/creativity, excellent for elderly *I, B, M*
Coriander-Coriandrum sativum - debility, migraine, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion,
insomnia, mental stimulant *I, B*
Cypress-Cupressus sempervirens - nervous tension, stress, debility, anger, lack of
concentration, sexual preoccupation, uncontrolled crying/talking *I, M*
Elemi-Canarium communis - nervous exhaustion, stress related states, balancing *I, B, M*
Eucalyptus-Eucalyptus globulus - debility, headaches, neuralgia, clears head, aids
concentration *I, B, M*
Eucalyptus lemon-Eucalyptus citriodora - soothing, calming, eases zona, shingle pain *B, M*
Eucalyptus radiata-Eucalyptus radiata - headaches, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, sciatica *I, B, M*
Eucalyptus smithii-Eucalyptus smithii - headache, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, sciatica *I, B, M*
Fir needle, Douglas-Pseudotsuga menziesii - anxiety, stress, very grounding *I*
Frankincense-Boswellia carterii - anxiety, nervous tension, depression, stress, nightmares, calming *I, B, M*
Galbanum-Ferula galbaniflua - calming, balancing, nervous tension, erratic moods,
hysteria, paranoia *I, M*
Geranium, rose/bourbon-Pelargonium graveolens - balances nervous system, nervous tension, neuralgia, stress, anxiety, sedative, uplifting, antidepressant *I, B, M*
Ginger-Zingiber officinale - debility, nervous exhaustion, stimulant, grounding, aids memory, sharpens senses *I, B, M*
Grapefruit-Citrus paradisi - depression, headache, nervous exhaustion, jet lag, PMS, alcohol & drug withdrawal *I, M*
Juniper berry-Juniperus communis - anxiety, nervous tension, stress, jet lag, poor memory, weakness, uplifts *I, M*
Lavender, Lavandula officinalis - CNS sedative, headaches, nervous tension, exhaustion, manic depression, mood swings, anger, emotional extremes I, B, M*
Lavender, Spike-Lavendula spica - debility, neuritis, neuralgia, headaches, Cerebro-spinal tranquilizer *I, B, M*
Lemon-Citrus limonum - brain stimulant, parasympathetic nervous system, clears thought, aids concentration, calming *I*
Lemongrass-Cymbopogon citratus - sedative, headaches, stress, nervous exhaustion, irritability, lack of concentration *I, M*
Lime, Sweet (distilled)-Citrus limetta - apathy, depression, listlessness, exhaustion, uplifting, stimulating, refreshing, useful in alcoholism *I*
Mandarin-Citrus reticulata - calms, nervous insomnia, nervousness, restlessness *I, M*
Marjoram, sweet-Origanum majorana - balances autonomic nervous system, neuralgia, headaches, hyperactivity, hysteria, migraine, stress, depression, claustrophobia, epileptic crisis, insomnia, vertigo, irritability, comforts grief/sorrow/loneliness *I, B, M*
May Chang-Litsea cubeba - very uplifting, stimulating, fatigue, lethargy, anxiety, nervous depression *I, B, M*
Palmarosa-Cymbopogon martini - nervous exhaustion, stress, irritability, calming,
uplifting, morning fatigue *I, B, M*
Patchouli-Pogostemon cablin - nervous exhaustion, lethargy, stress, sedative at low dose, stimulant at high dose, aids dreaming *I, B, M*
Peppermint-Mentha piperita - fainting, headache, mental exhaustion, stress, viral neuritis, zona, vertigo, neuralgia, sciatica, sudden shock, sedative, calms mental racing, depression *I, B, M*
Pine needle, Scotch-Pinus sylvestris - fatigue, nervous exhaustion, stress, refreshes tired mind *I*
Ravensara-Ravensara aromatica - anxiety, stress, shingles, neuromuscular problems, insomnia, nervous fatigue, anti-depressive *I, B, M*
Rose, damask-Rose damascena - depression, insomnia, migraine, headache, nervous
tension, stress, shingles, melancholy, sadness, postpartum depression, sweet dreams, memory *I, B, M*
Rose, Maroc-Rose centifolia - depression, insomnia, migraine, headaches, nervous tension, stress related melancholy, postpartum depression, poor memory, apathy *I, B, M*
Rosemary, camphor-Rosmarinus officinalis - memory stimulant (clears/aids), debility, exhaustion, headaches, migraines, mental fatigue, highly stimulating, enlivens brain, lethargy *I, M*
Rosewood-Aniba roseodora - tonic relaxant, balances CNS, aids in nervous depression *I, B, M*
Sandalwood, Santalum album - depression, insomnia, nervous tension, sciatica, lumbago, stress, grief, aggression *I, B, M*
Spearmint-Mentha spicata - fatigue, headache, migraine, nervous strain, stress, exhaustion, stimulating *I, B, M*
Spikenard-Nardastachus jatamansi - insomnia, nervous indigestion, migraine, stress, tension, restlessness, balances sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, calming *I, B, M*
Spruce needle, black-Picea mariana - anxiety, debility, stress, tension, extreme exhaustion, very grounding, uplifting, stimulating, hypnotic *I*
Tangerine-Citrus reticulata - hypnotic effect, stress, tension, soothing & strengthening of nervous system, cheers *I, M*
Tansy, blue-Tannacetum annuum – asthma, neuritis, tension, stress *I, B, M*
Valerian root-Valeriana officinalis var. angustifolium - nervousness, restlessness, tension, agitation, nervous headaches, panic attacks *I, B*
Vetiver-Vetiveria zizanioides - debility, depression, insomnia, nervous tension,
mental/physical exhaustion, CNS balancer, grounding, eases off tranquilizers, stimulates greater vitality *I, M*
Ylang-Ylang-Cananga odorata - depression, insomnia, nervous tension, stress related pain, fear, rage, anger, low self- esteem, relaxes CNS *I, B, M*
Simple recipes
Nervous Tension & Agitation
1) Roman Chamomile, bergamot, and orange
2) Lavender, Neroli, Bergamot
3) Lavender, Frankincense, Spikenard
4) Clary sage, Cypress, Lavender
Overthinking and Worry
1) Sandalwood, Vetiver
2) Frankincense, Vetiver, Lemon
3) Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Palma Rosa
4) Geranium, Sandalwood, Patchouli
Anxiety and Apprehension
1) Juniper, Cypress, Melissa
2) Geranium, Vetiver, Rose
3) Lavender, Rose
4) Lavender, Cypress
Poor Concentration and Memory
1) Rosemary, Laurel, Peppermint
2) Clary sage, Rosemary
3) Frankincense, Geranium
4) Pine, Lemon, Rosemary
Lack of Confidence and Self-Esteem
1) Rosemary, Laurel
2) Rose, Jasmine, Cedarwood
3) Thyme, Pine, Cedarwood
4) Juniper, Thyme
Anger and Frustration
1) Orange, Bergamot, Chamomile
2) Bergamot, Lavender, Peppermint
3) Yarrow, Chamomiles
4) Rose, Lavender, Helichrysum
Disempowerment and Indecision
1) Cedarwood, Ginger
2) Pine, Thyme
3) Cypress, Juniper, Benzoin
4) Clary sage, Bergamot, Orange
Depression and Negativity
1) Bergamot, Orange, Neroli
2) Chamomile, Bergamot, Helichrysum
3) Yarrow, Hyssop
4) Spikenard, Lavender, Rose.
Other simple blends
1) Jasmine, Ylang-ylang, Orange
2) Rose, Palmarosa, Neroli
3) Rosemary, Ginger
4) Coriander, Patchouli, Bergamot
5) Vetiver, Cardamom, Rose
6) Marjoram, Rosemary, Myrrh
7) Lemon, Jasmine
8) Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress
In every moment, you are broadcasting a specific vibrational signal that is instantly being understood and answered...and at once your present and future circumstances begin changing in response to the signal you are projecting. The entire universe, right now, is being affected by what you are offering. Make it what you want.
Client work:
Over the years, I have developed this method of stress reduction. It does take work and dedication, but the results are worth it.
I will take you on a tour of how I work with anxious people.
First, we will smell all sorts of essential oils keeping in mind that we are looking for fragrances that are appealing to that person. You want to blend a scent that is exclusively theirs. Let the client name their formula. This gives ownership to their blend and their situation. Keep track of your blending. Here is what works for me. I will set the oils out in order and have a notepad with the oils listed in that order. As you blend 1 drop of this and 3 drops of that, write it down.
I will explain the connection between stress and the muscles. Identify where the client holds their stress. Some people wear their shoulders tight and high like earrings. Others feel it in the pit of the stomach. The variations are endless.
This is where guided imagery comes into play. I have them think of the most perfect place. I caution that this is not to be centered on a person, pet, or event. This is a very personal retreat. At this time, we are going to place a drop of our special blend on the top of our heads, (it would be beneficial here to use a diffuser to keep the fragrance in focus). Close our eyes and picture this beautiful place. Start with tightening all the facial muscles and then relax them. Do this several times and you will feel the muscles of the face loosen up. Go to your neck and consciously relax the muscles there. Next do the same with the shoulders. Spend extra time here as this is where most of us carry the stress. This process should take several minutes. This is not a time when you want a short cut. Map the body out in 7-inch horizontal strips. Continue this exercise at each level. Add a drop of their oil blend to each section that has been tightened and relaxed. What we are doing here is associating the fragrance with the relaxed muscles by retraining the muscles to work with us not against us. Visualize all negativity running from the tip of your head down the body and through the feet. See it leaving the body. Place a drop of oil on your feet to seal the process. This is followed with a calming prayer or mantra.
Have the client do this several times a day as much as they are able. At the end of 3-4 weeks, you have established muscle recognition. At this time, the client will be able to pick up their blend, inhale and the muscles will know what to do. After some time, the dedicated person will be able to think of their blend and allow the system to relax. Draw a distinct line between the problems in our lives with our own personal health. Create a boundary line, a buffer zone. Just as we are not what we do for a living, we need to have a buffer zone between our stressors and our authentic selves. Make a conscious decision to smile more, be mindful of the joys that may be hidden; then bring them into the forefront and revere them. Honor the positive things in your life. Step back from the crazy pace of the world. Prioritize your day, the week, and the month, adding “me” time. And most importantly, love and honor the joyful person who resides within.
Aromatherapy Practitioner Reference Manual, Sylla Sheppard-Hanger
Aromatherapie Exactement, Franchomme & Penoel
Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, 3rd ed. Price & Price
Aromatherapy: Scent and Psyche, Peter & Kate Damian
Clinical Experience, Raphael D’Angelo, MD
Recommended Reading – Below is a list of books we own and go to often
Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Edition, R Tisserand, R Young, Churchill Livingstone, 2014
ISBN 978-0-443-06241-4
The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness, N Purchon, L Cantele, Robert Rose, Inc., 2014
ISBN 978-0-7788-0486-4
The A to Z of Essential Oils, E J Bowles, Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003
ISBN 0-7641-5616-0
Aromatherapeutic Blending, J P Rhind, Singing Dragon, 2016
ISBN 978-1-84819-227-0
Healing Spices, B Aggarwal, D Yost, Sterling, 2011
ISBN 978-1-4027-7663-2
Do it yourself: Pure Plant Skin Care, Carolyn Stubbin
ISBN 0 646 38318 3
Plant Powered Beauty, Amy Galper & Christina Daigneault
ISBN 978 1 944648 85 5